Read on and discover five simple yet effective tactics that can help you get far more from your living room.
1. Downsize your furniture
That L-shaped sofa might look good in the department store, but it can end up being an uncomfortable, space-wasting annoyance in your home. Choose furniture that fits into your living room without creating cramped, overly small walkways.
If your living room feels too small, take an audit of your furniture. Anything too big can be replaced with a smaller, more suitable solution.
2. Design around a focal point
Effective design always revolves around a single focal point. In the case of a painting, it could be a background item that provides perspective. In a living room, it’s a TV or fireplace that acts as a visual anchor for all of the other furniture.
Arranging your living room furniture around a focal point allows you to create a less cramped, far more comfortable space without the clutter of an unorganised living room.
3. Maximise natural light
Natural light might not give you additional square footage, but it has a huge effect on the perceived size of your living room. Living spaces that are poorly lit seem smaller and less comfortable than their lighter, more evenly lit counterparts.
Invest in large windows and glass doors for your living room, or – if your lounge is quite far from a source of light – a skylight to add natural daylight to the room.
4. Open up your living spaces
Is your living shut off from the rest of your home? Many older homes divide kitchen, living room, and dining room into three separate spaces, often with large walls used to block each space from the others.
Open up your living space and create an open-plan living environment. This gives you more functional living space and none of the cramped feeling that a divided interior can lead to.
5. Store unused items in the garage
Many people use their living rooms as storage spaces, with shelving and cabinets to store books, DVDs, and other possessions. Instead of storing items inside your living room, keep your books and DVDs inside a storage closet or in your garage.
This is also a good solution for ‘upsizing’ your bedrooms. Use bedside cabinets and closets exclusively for clothing, and move vacuum cleaners and other large items to the garage for clutter-free storage.
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