Lighting nowadays is a make it or break it factor in interior design. Since kitchens are frequently visited for cooking, gathering for meals or grabbing a quick bite, it is important to take kitchens lighting interior design in consideration. The balance of lighting is significant because insufficient or excessive lighting can distort the colors or ruin the perception of the interior design features.
Interior design lighting is categorized into ambient, accent and task lighting. Ambient lighting is concerned with general lighting of the kitchen. In the morning, natural light from the windows can be considered ambient lighting. You may choose the position and size of the window in the kitchen to ensure beautiful and effective entrance of daylight. However, varying weather conditions do not guarantee the continuity of light entrance as you wish; therefore, use artificial ambient lighting.
Accent lighting may not be considered a necessity in kitchens lighting interior design. Nonetheless, accent lighting in different spots in a kitchen can add to the aesthetic value of it substantially. An example of accent lighting is directing light on a carving in the kitchen wall. The next and most important lighting in kitchens interior design is task lighting. As its name suggests, task lighting is used to focus on areas where different tasks are performed. In the kitchen case, task lighting is used over work countertops and stoves. This lighting should prevent eyes strain and also should be shielded and unobtrusive to avoid glare.
All kinds of lighting sources can be lit with energy saving bulbs. Using high-output compact fluorescent lights in the kitchen and other places instead of normal incandescent lights will save significant energy. With the right choice of lighting sources and correct placement of them, you will not only be effectively lighting your kitchen but you will also be using your electricity efficiently.
Pics Via : allthetoppings
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